Thursday, 24 February 2011

Week Five - CollaborativeTask and Using Animoto

Today we completed a collaborative task based around handheld learning.

The first tool we used was a collaborative Google Document. We were given exactly on minute and were instructed to write down as many words relating to 'handheld learning' as possible.
We ended up with a page of random words... However, we then copied these and using the website Wordle, were able to create our own eye-catching word picture (shown below):

I have seen several pictures which have been made using Wordle displayed in schools: they are often used for titles on wall displays. The children could, however, do as we have done today and make use of the website to make a front cover for a piece of work.

Working in a group of three, I then took part in creating an acronym using the word 'mobile'. When we had made our acronym, we worked together and made a word mosaic for them.

Here is our acronym:
Motivating Manageable Messages Meaningful
Opportunity Observation Online
Banking Bold Blogging
Interactive Innovative Independant
Learning Linking Lesson Literacy
Engaging Entertaining Experimental

When we had our wordle and our separate word mosaics saved, we then moved on to use a different piece of software, Dance Ejay. This programme allows you to create your own copyright free piece of music. This could then be used in, for example, a movie the children had created. In this case, we created our own short piece of music to play along with the wordle and word mosaics we had created.

To bring all of our work together, we used a website called Animoto. This is a site which allows you to create a slideshow of images or a video and add music to this.

Here is the slideshow we created using Animoto:


A collaborative task like this one if definitely something I would consider using with children in the upper primary. I particularly liked the fact that each individual's ideas can all be brought together as the children would all be able to add information to one document at the same time. If I were to use any of these ideas for a collaborative task, I would have the children bringing their ideas together to begin with. However, I would then have them working individually to create their own pieces of work.

My understanding of collaborative learning is that we all share our own ideas but do not necessarily need to come together as a group to do this. Cooperative learning, however, is what I what I understand to be everyone coming together to play their part in creating one specific piece of work or reaching a certain goal for example.

Williams and Easingwood (2007, page 17) have stated that "Another advantage of using ICT is that it acts as a very effective focal point for collaborative work. This is particulary important in the primary school, where the development of personal and social skills is traditionally seen as being as important  as the more academic aspects of school life."

In the above quotation, it is said that collaborative work is an advantage of ICT. Not only is it that: it can help the child to develop in other areas as stated above - it can develop their personal and social skills which is crucial in a child's life.

The following outcome would fit in with a collaborative task like this one.
Scottish Government (2009): "As I extend and enhance my knowledge of features of various types of software, including thise which can help find, organise, manage and access information, I can apply what I learn in different areas."
TCH 1-03a/TCH 2-03a


Scottish Goverment (2009) Curriculum for Excellence - Experiences and Outcomes. Available: [accessed 24/02/2011]
Williams, J. and Easingwood, N. (2007) Primary ICT and the Foundation Subjects.
London: Continuum International Publishing Group

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this post due to the way you informed the reader of the process of how you worked collaboratively. I am sure this post would be of great benefit to teachers who may wish to try the tasks you undertook. I am going to place your post as my blog of the week once more. Well done you.
